Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cancer Bike Ride with Lance Armstrong

For the Postcard Image I ended up creating 2 images. I created a vector graphic in Illustrator of a bike rider. (thank goodness we have the pen tool). I then created a graphic of the four riders attached to one another. I then placed it on a glass button with the same image mapped on it like a shadow. It looks like a variation of Chinese Cloisonné to me.
Tom Wolfe - Gold Bikes
The other image I used the same bike used above, but I wrapped it repeatedly around a cylinder. I created the LiveStrong wrist band in Illustrator using 3D, and mapped the text onto the bracelet.
Tom Wolfe - Livestrong

Quill Byte brought to you by Andrew Kirkham


  1. Really cool Andrew! I really like the second one, it kinda looks like a crown! Both turned out quite well i think.

  2. Thanks P.J. I can't decide which one I like
